Black Hat Python

Black Hat Python

Friday, Apr 17, 2020

@ Chris Suttles

I've been reading and coding my way through the book "Black Hat Python" by Justin Seitz and really enjoying it. I'm only about halfway through it s far, but I've enjoyed it so much I wanted to share my experience so far. csuttles/ctlfish Tooling and dev doodles related to my activities on and other ethical hacking endeavors. - csuttles/ctlfish csuttles GitHub You can find the code corresponding to this post in the 'net' directory of this repo Checkpoint - Where am I now?
Packet Captures and DNS

Packet Captures and DNS

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

@ Chris Suttles

Overview During troubleshooting, you might find it useful to determine what is happening on the wire. While tcpdump is a great tool for capturing packets, it's does not offer the same level of filtering capability as tshark. While it may be easier to simply copy a capture file locally and use wireshark, sometimes restrictions prevent this approach. Capture and Save with tcpdump Capturing and saving to disk is my favorite way to review wire traffic.

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